Brett Favre

Daily Chat: Blueprinting Brett Favre

September 18, 2010

Dolphins defensive end Tony McDaniel has acknowledged that the defensive line has a pool on who will first hit Brett Favre.

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Daily Chat: Brett Favre's Great Big Brain

September 17, 2010

The Brett Favre Is Old stories have already run their course and the angle they invariably took was one of amazement.

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Brett Favre Is WAY More Popular Than Your Quarterbacks!

September 17, 2010

Check out this Google Insights for Search chart comparing the volume of people searching for Brett Favre versus those searching for Dolphins quarterbacks Chad Henne, Chad Pennington and Tyler Thigpen.

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Daily Chat: Gameplan vs. Miami Dolphins

September 16, 2010

The Minnesota Vikings need to stop the Miami Dolphins’ rushing attack of Ronnie Brown and Rickey Williams and then get after quarterback Chad Henne.

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Daily Chat: Old Skool

September 14, 2010

The Minnesota Vikings are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year, and it shows.

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Daily Chat: Four Wide

September 13, 2010

The Vikings will bring in former Patriot receiver Sam Aiken, former Eagles/Bucs receiver Reggie Brown, former Ravens receiver Demetrius Williams, and former Packer/Rams/Seahawks receiver Ruvell Martin for workouts.

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Daily Chat: Brett Favre, Democrat

September 12, 2010

The AP reports that Favre and his wife gave $2400 each to to the campaign of Democratic U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor, who is facing re-election in Favre’s home district against Republican Steven Palazzo and the Reform Party’s Anna Jewel Revies.

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Daily Chat: Vikings vs. Saints, Take Two

September 11, 2010

Minnesota Vikings Chat’s second take on the Vikings 2010 season-opening loss to the New Orleans Saints.

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Daily Chat: The Awesome & The Brutal – Minnesota Vikings vs. New Orleans Saints Review

September 10, 2010

What went well and what didn’t in the Minnesota Vikings 2010 season opening loss to the New Orleans Saints.

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Daily Chat: Sharpless

September 7, 2010

Social Media Guru Darren Sharper will not be on the field Thursday to zero in on the X spot on Favre’s ankle.

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