Twin Cities, Minnesota Blog

NOTE: This is an archive of a blog that was originally published at

On August 10, 2004, I started this blog using Blogger so I could learn about and experiment with the medium.

I've accomplished that goal but I continue to experiment, which might explain the sometimes random nature of this blog. While I publish other blogs on Internet Marketing and the Minnesota Vikings, this one is far less focused and sometimes scatter shot.

I do talk a lot about sports because sports are always fun to talk about. I talk about various places in the Twin Cities because the Twin Cities are a wonderful place to live. I talk about video games because they're very cool, as entertainment as well as technology. I talk about politics because I'm a news and politics junkie.

And I'll pretty much talk about whatever makes it into my head, through my fingers, and past the post button.

I write because it helps me to think; the process helps me clarify my ideas by putting those ideas into words that I can see and examine.  I write because I love writing and I'm good at it and there's nothing quite as wonderful as exercising a skill at which you excel.


HDTV Buying Guide

January 25, 2006

David Erickson’s HDTV Buying Guide

Football Deception

December 31, 2005

How to fool a defender away from the ball carrier in touch football.

Reason 4,553.98 Why I Love The Internet

December 15, 2005

Harry Shearer and the Regret the Error blog both undestand the hilarity of mistakes.

Summit Beer

December 14, 2005

Thankfully, Summit Beer is widely available to us Minnesotans. On September 25, 1986, that wasn’t the case.

Is The Conservative Message Wearing Thin?

November 11, 2005

Does Chris Coleman’s victory over St. Paul mayor Randy Kelly portend a disaffection with the conservative message?

Xbox 360 Specs – High Definition Gaming

November 9, 2005

The Xbox 360 specs reveal the power to help video games along the path to the holy grail of gaming: photorealism.

Google Rank

October 26, 2005

Google has just recognized by displaying a ranknig in Google Rank.

RSS – Category Feeds

October 5, 2005

RSS category feeds for

Halo, The Movie

October 5, 2005

Halo, The Movie lands the perfect executive producer in the Lord of the Rings director, Peter Jackson.

Reason 17 Why I Love The Internet: Madden 06 Roster Bug

October 3, 2005

Madden 06 roster updates put Micheal King of the New York Jets at seven inches tall. Yes, inches.
