Twin Cities, Minnesota Blog

NOTE: This is an archive of a blog that was originally published at

On August 10, 2004, I started this blog using Blogger so I could learn about and experiment with the medium.

I've accomplished that goal but I continue to experiment, which might explain the sometimes random nature of this blog. While I publish other blogs on Internet Marketing and the Minnesota Vikings, this one is far less focused and sometimes scatter shot.

I do talk a lot about sports because sports are always fun to talk about. I talk about various places in the Twin Cities because the Twin Cities are a wonderful place to live. I talk about video games because they're very cool, as entertainment as well as technology. I talk about politics because I'm a news and politics junkie.

And I'll pretty much talk about whatever makes it into my head, through my fingers, and past the post button.

I write because it helps me to think; the process helps me clarify my ideas by putting those ideas into words that I can see and examine.  I write because I love writing and I'm good at it and there's nothing quite as wonderful as exercising a skill at which you excel.


Vinyls Attack

December 16, 2009

via Posted via web from David Erickson’s Posterous

‘Zombie Star Wars’ Posters

December 15, 2009

A hilarious mashup of zombies & Star Wars.

Snow scenes of Star Wars LEGOs on Hoth

December 11, 2009

via This is how insanely successful the LEGO brand is. Posted via web from David Erickson’s Posterous

The Physics Of Football

December 11, 2009

University of Minnesota physics professor Dan Dahlberg breaks down a tackle from the Minnesota Cal game from earlier this football season when Gopher receiver Eric Decker gets slammed in the end zone by Cal’s Sean Cattouse during a touchdown catch. Dahlberg breaks down the catch and tackle and explains how much force Decker withstood when he took the hit

Twin Cities Top Ten Titans In Social Media

December 9, 2009

via That’s me on your right; Blois Olson on the left. I’m all blue! 🙂 Posted via web from David Erickson’s Posterous

Autocomplete Me: A Gallery Of Bizarre Google Suggest Search Phrases

November 29, 2009

via Posted via web from David Erickson’s Posterous

Recreation of the Empire Strikes Back Hoth Battle Scene

November 29, 2009

via Posted via web from David Erickson’s Posterous

Best free movie sites and movies online

November 29, 2009

via Posted via web from David Erickson’s Posterous

Century-Old Shackleton’s Whiskey Is Returning From Antarctic : NPR

November 29, 2009

A team of New Zealand conservators is planning to unearth two crates of Scotch whisky belonging to polar explorer Ernest Shackleton. The crates have been trapped under the Antarctic ice for a century. Host Liane Hansen speaks with Alistair Fastier, of the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust, who will be leading the expedition. via…

Camera Death

August 10, 2009

Camera Death Originally uploaded by les bâtiments cursifs Very cool photo of the Minneapolis skyline taken at the very moment Joshua Heineman’s camera began to die. The misfiring of the electronics synapses left a melting Minneapolis in it’s wake. Found via Chuck Olsen via hilker via mills.
