Twin Cities Minnesota Blog

Insanely Close Tornado Rips Apart Farmhouse In Wilkin County

August 9, 2010

A storm chaser captures a tornado Wilkin County, Minnesota shredding a farmhouse. There were no reports of injuries.

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The Benefits Of Aging (or I Hope I Die Before I Get Old)

August 8, 2010

It takes you a lifetime to accumulate the very thing that would make living your life that much easier and enjoyable.

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An Ambidextrous Pitcher

August 8, 2010

This is several years old but it’s still amazing to watch a guy able to strike people out with either arm.

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Microchips In Footballs? [VIDEO]

August 7, 2010

The German company responsible for implanting motion-tracking technology in soccer balls for use by referees during the World Cup are in discussions with the NFL about possibly using their technology in American football in order to cut down on game-deciding missed call.

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Why Men Drink Beer [INFOGRAPHIC]

August 6, 2010

An infographic illustrating facts about why men drink beer.

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Dutch Brewery Releases Strongest Beer (60%) In The World

August 4, 2010

Photograph of the strongest beer in the world (60%).

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All The Good Stories Suck

August 2, 2010

All the good stories suck because they’re real, because they reflect life; and in real life, the hero often dies, the guy often doesn’t get the girl, and love remains unrequited.

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Crave At The Galleria In Edina

August 1, 2010

David Erickson reviews Crave at The Galleria in Edina, Minnesota.

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Bissinger’s – Chocolate-Covered Raspberries

July 31, 2010

David Erickson reviews Bissinger’s seasonal chocolate-covered raspberries.

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University Of Minnesota Scientists Create Breathing Lungs

July 31, 2010

Scientists at the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center and Medical School have achieved another research first — creating breathing lungs in the laboratory. This innovation comes two years after another group of University of Minnesota researchers used a similar technique to create a beating heart in the laboratory.

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