
Freedom Crispies!

March 17, 2011

We don’t need no stinkin’ FRENCH Crispies!

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Minneapolis Celebrates Obama Victory

November 5, 2008

This video, taken last night by Minnesota Independent at Cedar-Riverside, shows the jubilation spilling into the streets over the election of Barack Obama as president.

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John McCain On Saturday Night Live

November 2, 2008

Last night, it was John McCain’s turn and it looked to me like a candidate who has conceded defeat while taking some jabs at the running mate who has been a drag on his ticket.

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Fear, Loathing & Racism In Las Vegas

October 25, 2008

McCain supporters lambaste Obama supporters after a Palin rally in Las Vegas.

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Powell Endorses Obama

October 19, 2008

Former Republican Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell, endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president on Meet The Press.

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Best Presidential Debate Body Language Moment

October 8, 2008

The most telling moment of the debate came when Obama defended himself against McCain’s charges that he would be reckless in foreign affairs because he was too inexperienced.

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John McCain Bristles During Editorial Interview

October 2, 2008

Video of John McCain’s interview with the Des Moines Register’s editorial board, which asks some reasonable questions to which McCain does not respond well.

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Tina Fey Vs. Sarah Palin

September 28, 2008

Is there any difference between Tina Fey’s portrayal of Sarah Palin and Sarah Palin herself?

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From The Political Department Of Redundancy Department

September 24, 2008

Katie Couric interviews Sarah Palin on Rick Davis, bailout proposal, John McCain’s legislative record.

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Obama’s Economic Plan

September 18, 2008

Watch a video of Barack Obama explaining his economic plan.

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