
I Remember [VIDEO]

November 2, 2010

I remember and because of that, it is self-evident who to vote for.

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Democratic National Convention In Minneapolis For 2012

October 13, 2010

How can you help bring the Democratic National Convention to Minneapolis in 2012? Simple: Like the Facebook page.

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Bill Clinton Stumps For Al Franken & Barack Obama

October 31, 2008

In this speech he gave in Minnesota, President Bill Clinton eloquently lays out the reason it’s important to elect a veto-proof Democratic majority.

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Powell Endorses Obama

October 19, 2008

Former Republican Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell, endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president on Meet The Press.

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Obama’s Economic Plan

September 18, 2008

Watch a video of Barack Obama explaining his economic plan.

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A Bowl Of Cherries Today

August 29, 2008

I’m still warmed by the afterglow of Barack Obama’s acceptance speech. It wasn’t his most inspiring speech but I was still moved by the historical moment.

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The Book Every Democratic Consultant Must Read

July 13, 2007

Every Democratic consultant in the country should read Drew Westen’s The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation.

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