artis hicks

Daily Chat: Minnesota Vikings vs. Washington Redskins Preview

November 28, 2010

Minnesota Vikings Chat previews the 2010 regular season matchup between the Vikings and the Washington Redskins.

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Daily Chat: Who's Driving The Sidneymobile?

November 27, 2010

Do we really want to commit to a three- or five-year contract for Sidney Rice on the strength of one season?

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Daily Chat: Over-Communicating Clarity

August 16, 2010

David Erickson’s thoughts about the Vikings 2010 pre-season matchup against the St. Louis Rams.

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15 Reasons Brad Childress Is Not A Football Personnel Genius

November 13, 2007

Minnesota Vikings head coach Brad Childress has not exactly proved to be an elite evaluator of athletic talent.

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