al franken

Daily Chat: Slash?

December 8, 2010

Is Joe Webb going to be the Vikings version of Kordell Stewart?

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Minnesota 2008 Senate Race Recount

April 16, 2010

The Uptake recently covered a panel at William Mitchell Law School in St. Paul, featuring the Justices and Judges who were part of the historic recount and election contest talk about their role.

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Senator Al Franken’s Acting Debut

July 12, 2009

Watch a clip from the movie Tunnel Vision and see Senator Al Franken’s acting debut.

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Bill Clinton Stumps For Al Franken & Barack Obama

October 31, 2008

In this speech he gave in Minnesota, President Bill Clinton eloquently lays out the reason it’s important to elect a veto-proof Democratic majority.

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Al Franken To The Swift Boaters: Checkmate

August 13, 2008

There are plenty of reasons to be critical of the campaign Al Franken has run to date, but his latest TV ad is not one of them.

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