Daily Chat: McKinnie, Football & The Celebrity Lifestyle


A day after putting left tackle Bryant McKinnie on the reserve/non-football injury list for coming to camp reportedly approaching 400 pounds (400! 330 is quite a bit for a lineman), the Vikings cut his ass, elevating the newly-signed Charlie Johnson to be the presumptive starter.

There’s a lot of hand-wringing out there about what this will do to an offensive line that didn’t exactly have a stellar year last year. John Sullivan is coming off a disappointing season, Anthony Herrera is coming back from injury, and Phil Loadholt had some issues last year as well.

I guess we could do worse at left tackle, but given that his replacement will be the guy who used to protect Peyton Manning‘s blind side, I’ve got a bit of confidence that we’ll do all right.

It seemed particularly fitting that McKinnie turned to TMZ to spin his release as a desire to get out of his contract.

TMZ. A gossip site. Not even a football gossip site like ProFootballTalk. A plain old celebrity gossip site. McKinnie always did seem more interested in the celebrity aspect of Pro Footballdom than his actual play on the field.

I don’t know what I’ll do, now. With McKinnie and Naufahu Tahi no longer on the roster, who will I have to rant about?

I guess there’s always Bernard Berrian, but now that his contract has been redone there’s not as much reason to bitch about him.


Happy Birthday today to middle linebacker E.J. Henderson (31)!


